It's hard to find a fast, genuine downloadable link unless u're willing to pay for it. I know, we all can find free download links everywhere in the internet but the downloading is damn slow.. It could take years just to download a decent tv series.
Watching it online is another option if u can find free and fast video streaming link but that's also hard to get. I'm using umobile for my connection, so the buffering thingy really makes me crazy.. I found 1-2 nice places for streaming vids but of course, they have some weak points. And I'm not going to tell you where is it coz I wanna save the bandwith just 4 me :P..
You can use these links to download heroes or in fact any other tv series or any latest movies or music clips or games..
i've watched heroes 20 like last week ago. u r so late. now my frens are downloading heroes 21
dah tgk lar heroes 21
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