Monday, March 16, 2009

Dragonball Evolution

The title tells it all.. Mark the 'evolution' word.. It has nothing to do with the normal Dragonball comic.. hmmm.. maybe a bit.. The story has evolve into somthing else.. The story lines are very diiferent from the comic version but at least the characters are almost the same. I dont want to create spoilers coz there r still people out there not yet watch the movie but a few comments wouldn't hurt, I guess..

The main thing that I dissapointed with is San-Goku hair. Oh please.. It should've been better.. The hair was really stupid. One guy from my college have more similar hair to San-Goku(comic version). They should take him instead to replace the San-Goku part in the movie.

For me, the main strength of the movie was the humor they put up here and there.. luckily.. So, it was not that boring.. There are few memorable moments in the movie..  But overall, I give 3 stars.. 

For all Dragonball comic fans out there, you'll lose nothing if u don't watch this movie, but because it is DRAGONBALL, then I guess you have to watch it..

-The fake Goku-

-The Real MAN-



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