Tuesday, April 21, 2009


At last.. After days of trying, I manage to get my connection to Umobile using Ubuntu 8.10.. Actually, for Ubuntu version 8.04 and above, they have this network manager thingy where u can automatically get connected to the internet but the problem is , the options given didn't include connection for umobile. I tried to edit the data for celcom and maxis option to Umobile but still can't connect..

Then I tried to use shell scripting provided by this blog..Although the instruction given is for celcom but at least the modem model was the same. Tried a few times but still the same but on my nth times trying, suddenly I got connected. The only problem now is the connection is quite slow.. Anyone has any idea on this?

p/s : 2nd day of no electricity and still surviving..


:.AtiqaMusa.: on April 22, 2009 at 1:31 PM said...

cant connect to the internet still can accept but i cant tahan without electricity!!!

Alexander on April 22, 2009 at 10:37 PM said...

please bro ... bring it together with u on next class.. YA...


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